There are different ways in which you can contact the hosting company whose services you are using, but the one that you will always find no matter which company you choose is a support ticket system. It’s the easiest communication channel for different reasons. In the event that no client service team member is available at the moment and they are all occupied, a phone call may not be responded to, but a ticket will invariably be received. Moreover, you can copy ‘n’ paste large bits of information without worrying about typos, and in case a specific problem requires more time to be fixed or a number of replies must be exchanged, all the info will be in the same place, so either party can always see the comments added by the other one. The negative aspect of using tickets to get in touch with your hosting provider is that they are typically separate from the hosting platform, which goes to say that if you need to supply info or to follow directions, you’ll need to use at least two different admin consoles and this number might grow in case you want to administer several domains. Furthermore, many hosting companies reply to tickets after a couple of hours, or even once in every 24 hours, and for you as a client, this simply means wasted time whilst waiting for a response.

Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Hosting

With a cloud hosting from our company, you’ll never have to leave your account. Our ticketing system is integrated into the Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to manage your entire Internet presence. You can seamlessly access any support ticket whilst you’re browsing through your website files or customizing various account settings. The ticketing system is being closely monitored 24x7x365 by our technical support team representatives and the response time is maximum sixty minutes, but it rarely takes more than twenty minutes to receive support. In contrast to some other hosting companies, we do not charge extra for using the ticketing system, so you can touch base with us as often as you need and request info with regards to any technical or billing issue. Besides, you can read a number of articles, which will help you solve the most commonly confronted predicaments yourself.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you have a semi-dedicated server account with us and you would like to contact our help desk staff representatives, you will be able to post a trouble ticket straight from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel instead of going through a totally different support platform as you will have to do with most hosting companies on the market. Our integrated trouble ticket system will permit you to open a new ticket without hassles and to browse through older tickets using a clever search box. Also, you’ll be able to read the relevant knowledgebase articles that our system will present to you in accordance with the problem category that you choose for your new ticket. You can do all the above-mentioned things without leaving your Control Panel at any moment, which suggests that in case you stumble upon any complication or have an enquiry, you can touch base with our support engineers and resolve the issue at hand in less than an hour through one single platform.